My New Venture as Runjantastic!

As my homepage says my name is Jan Houston! I am a wife of 21 years and a mother of two boys ages 20 and 16. Yes, I am a boy mom and love it most of the time! Even though living in a houseful of men can be trying at times. I am also a cat mom to a sweet bundle of joy named Niko! She is her own self and likes for people to pretty much leave her alone unless she wants you to give her attention..which is not very often.

My journey for being a running influencer started with Tik Tok! My cousin got me interested in making videos which were mostly of my cat and me duet singing and being silly. I then started making videos featuring the races I would do. This became my niche on Tik Tok which led me to use the name RunJANtastic. Now I make a TTs on almost every race I do and I also started making a few with tips on running. After digging into what i could do on TT I decided to try and get into the TT affiliate program which happened quicker than I thought it would. I decided to promote products my followers would like. Since most of my followers were runners and that was my niche, I started promoting running products and doing reviews as well as other things like protein coffee and cute bags. Being a TT affiliate was so exhausting because I had to make videos constantly and my schedule did not allow me to do that. I think I made $33.00 in 4 months! I wasn’t in it for the money so much as just wanting to help runners find products they can use. Fast forward to now…a week or so ago I decided to apply for the Amazon Affilite Program which after doing my research seems so much easier to manage with my schedule than TT. I got right in and was able to get my 3 sales in 180 days to be accepted! Next step was to create a Facebook page to promote which I did and called it “The Pace Life”. Once I had the name I designed my logo and started branding. I LOVE my facebook page! I love shopping on Amazon and finding deals for runners! Not only do I promote products I also share tips, articles, and advice about running on there as well! It is a great space. I have 155 followers! I know…that’s not a lot hence the reason for this website/blog! I am hoping to get more traffic through this website so I can get more followers! Why? Because I want to be a motivator, inspiration, helper…whatever I can be to my fellow runners! And not just runners but those that want to start running, those that are into fitness, ANYBODY really!

I am excited for you to be on this journey with me! Feel free to comment and show some love but ONLY LOVE! Be nice and encouraging please!

Until my next post….



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